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HOAs in Arizona Can No Longer Ban Artificial Turf

HOAs in Arizona Can No Longer Ban Artificial Turf

HOAs Must Allow Turf In Areas Where Natural Grass Is Allowed

Arizona homeowners in planned communities can now opt for artificial turf, as a law passed in March 2022 grants them the right to replace natural lawns without facing HOA restrictions. Senate approval prevents HOAs from banning artificial turf outright, with exceptions outlined in the legislation. House Bill 2131, introduced in response to two homeowners facing fines for installing artificial grass to save water, amends statutes to allow artificial grass installation with reasonable rules. 

hoa artificial turf

The new legislation aligns with critical water conservation efforts in the state. Arizona is grappling with a prolonged drought, and some communities face the real threat of water scarcity. In 2021, the federal government declared a tier-1 water shortage in the Colorado River, reducing Arizona's allotted water usage.

arizona hoa artificial turf

With the majority of Arizona's water supply being utilized outdoors, including for landscaping and recreational activities like golf courses, water conservation is no longer just a commendable choice but an essential one. Homeowners who make the switch to artificial turf report significant reductions in water consumption, often by 60% to 70%, contributing to the broader initiative of preserving this precious resource amidst challenging environmental conditions.